Lever Belt Customizer
Les ceintures d'haltérophilie/de musculation se portent bien au-dessus de l'endroit où vous portez votre short ou votre pantalon, cela signifie qu'elles sont portées au-dessus des os de la hanche.
La taille de votre pantalon n’est PAS la taille de votre ceinture de musculation.
Pour mesurer la bonne taille, utilisez un ruban à mesurer souple ou un ruban de couturière. Mesurez autour de votre taille, environ 4 pouces au-dessus de l'endroit où se trouve votre pantalon. *Ne pas « aspirer », mesurer dans un état détendu, puis tirer fermement sur le ruban à mesurer. Utilisez cette mesure pour choisir votre taille de ceinture correcte.
- Très petit – 22"-31"
- Petit - 27"- 36"
- Moyen - 31"-40"
- Grand - 35"-44"
- X-Large - 39"-48"
- XX-Large - 43"-52"
- XXXL – 47"-56"
Si vous avez des doutes sur la taille de votre ceinture ou si vous avez besoin d'une taille personnalisée, veuillez nous contacter et nous serons plus qu'heureux de vous aider.
Nous ne sommes pas en mesure d'accepter les retours sur la plupart des ceintures en raison d'une mauvaise taille.
Design the Best Lever Lifting Belt on the Market
Using our Lever Belt Customizer you will now be able to design your dream lifting belt. Add images, change colors, buckles stitch and material.
The Pioneer Lever Lifting Belt features:
- Vegetable tanned, full grain sole leather
- Optional suede, vinyl or sparkle
- Traditional or PAL lever
- Handmade in the U.S.A.
- Lifetime functional warranty
- Treated, untreated, or black leather
- 6.5mm, 8.5mm, 10mm, or 13mm thickness
Recommended Uses:
- Powerlifting
- General strength training
- Strongman
Option Details
- 6.5mm: This belt is single thick meaning it is constructed of a single piece of sole leather offering a very pliable yet supportive belt. This belt can be geared to new lifters looking for comfort or seasoned lifters that are advanced in their bracing technique.
- 8.5mm: This belt is single thick with a layer of suede on the inside of the belt. This allows for a smoother fit and additional customization.
- 10mm: This is a double thick belt meaning it is constructed of two (5mm) pieces of sole leather cemented, pressed, and sewn together. Keep in mind this belt is all leather and will be stiffer than a 10mm belt with exterior suede. These belts must have stitching and will default to white unless specified otherwise.
- 13mm: You won’t find a stiffer belt than a 13mm all leather belt. It is constructed the same as the 10mm (two thicker 6.5mm pieces of sole leather) so it offers maximum thickness while still being legal for competition. This belt will require more break in time to become comfortable and molded to your torso, but will be worth it if you are looking for maximum stiffness. These belts must have stitching and will default to white unless specified otherwise.
- Black Leather: The black leather option will be more pliable (due to the oil struck dye process) in comparison to the treated or untreated models. The finish is smooth and sleek looking but does not fall short on quality or durability.
- 3" Width: 3" belts are geared for those with shorter torsos. They will cover less surface area and can be more comfortable than a 4" belt, especially for those who are…vertically challenged. If the 4" belt hinders your depth in the squat or starting position in the deadlift, then the 3" belt should be perfect for you!
- 4" Width: 4" belts (or 10cm) is the "standard" or "norm" when it comes to power belts…It is a great starting point for most lifters of average or taller than average height. It covers the most surface area giving you the most support.
- Lifetime Manufacturer's Warranty
Don't forget....
- Embroidered/laser burned weightlifting belts and other products ship in 4-6 weeks;
- Non-embroidered weight belts ship within 3-5 weeks.
- Stock belts ship in 1-3 business days;
No returns will be accepted without prior written authorization from General Leathercraft. Please read our Returns, Terms and Conditions for more information.
Most of our weight lifting belts, powerlifting belts, lever weight belts, as well as our other lifting belts offer customization, BUT we know there are times what you want isn’t listed or you’re interested in a belt we’ve showcased on our social media.* This is where you start!